Welcome to Minnsanity!

From the land of sky blue waters, to the land of contaminated lakes


Like the beautiful, pristine, clear waters of a Minnesota lake…


contaminated by invasive species of Eurasian Watermilfoil and Zebra mussels are the murky waters of education reform.


The education reform movement has done to some of Minnesota’s public schools what the milfoil and Zebra mussels have done to many or our beautiful lakes: ruined them!  Opportunists from far away have introduced a contaminant to our ecosystem.  They have made themselves at home here and are feeding off of our most precious natural resources, stealing their beauty, and disturbing and endangering the environment by creating an imbalance  from their pollution.  The education “reformers” have infested our state.  Join us to learn more about these people and organizations and how we can protect ourselves from them.

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Please check back for more information on the insanity of education reform in Minnesota coming soon!


Stop the Minnsanity!

Read more on Stop the Minnsanity! from Edushyster.